Top music labels from France

Our selection of 69 France labels

Music labels in France - If you are an artist, a composer, and you have ambitions for your musical project, the question of approaching or signing with a music label is bound to arise at some point. Streaming has revolutionized the way the music industry works and largely challenged the work of record labels. Independent artists and songwriters have more and more power and today you have three options: creating your own music label, joining one of the major record labels (Warner Music France, Sony Music France, Universal Music France), signing with an independent label. Whatever happens, a record company does not do everything, it is largely the team that makes it up that can help you grow your musical project, and in particular your artistic director who can be a great ally in the stages of recording, making albums and promoting your music (working on your image, entering playlists...). The "small labels" are sometimes much more efficient than big labels, because they have more to prove, and are often very passionate about music. You can send them a demo, demos or tracks at the mixing and mastering stages, but don't forget to specify it so that the label understands where you are in your project. Whether you do rap, hip-hop, rock, pop, jazz, folk, electronic, blues, soul, disco, punk, reggae, techno... the music industry is full of music labels in France and abroad, and there are labels for all musical genres. And if you make French songs, French rap, you should obviously contact music labels in France.  Thanks to Groover you can directly contact music labels in France, with the guarantee to be heard and to receive an answer within 7 days. These French independent labels are on the platform for a simple and good reason: to discover new talents, to discover the nuggets of tomorrow! So if you are a musician, if you live in France or if you want to make your music known in France, don't hesitate any longer and send your music to these independent labels likely to like it. Do you play hip hop? You can contact excellent French independent labels like Jeune à Jamais and Chinese Man Records. You are more into indie? Meet the French music labels Cracki Records, La Souterraine, Colligence Records or Velvet Coliseum. Electronic music artists will also find their happiness in France with labels such as Unity Group, Electro Posé or Egoist Records. And finally, for rock musicians, you can, for example, get in touch with the French music label Finalistes.

Want to get in touch with these labels?
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Want to get in touch with these labels?
It's easy: sign up on Groover to send them your music!
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