Met Al Metal

Stazione radio · Israele


Met Al Metal Israel's Premier Metal Radio Show, Started airing at 2007 and became the biggest and highest quality metal show on local Radio, It is Also one of the Best Sources to Get News about Shows and New Music From The Israeli and The International Metal Scene. Broadcast @ 106.2FM at Saturdays at 23:00. All Episodes Are Always At: And Also can Be found @ Spotify, Deezer, and all the big podcast apps.
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  • Generi
    Death / Thrash
    Metal melodico
    Metal / Heavy metal
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We have tousands of listeners, local and international, Many of them know and learn a lot of their metal knowledge including new Music and bands, through our show. We have a monthly episode in which we only play new fresh metal, And we consider a yearly show of Unknown bands that we Will discover through Sources such as Groover App.
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Sta cercando...

  • Testi in qualsiasi lingua
  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

Verificato da Groover

Da sapere
Alto tasso di condivisione Offrono opportunità a più del 15% delle tracce ricevute

Attività su Groover
33 risposte date Da quando si è iscritto
0% tasso di risposta Ultimi 30 giorni
22% tasso di opportunità Ultimi 12 mesi
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