Label & Recording studio based in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais - Brazil. Managed by Everton Surerus and Giovana Santos (Grisa).
Everton is a music producer and audio engineer mostly working alongside independent artists from all over South America.
Giovana is a composer, music producer and acoustic engineer, former researcher in Musical Acoustics at the Cité de la Musique - Philharmonie de Paris and The Acoustics & Audio Group at the University of Edinburgh.
We can analyse your track with a detailed point of view, including the composition itself, timbre, effects and spatialization of each element. We'll give you a complete feedback about your mix.
We have some playlists where we can add your song and we'll share it in our Instagram profile.
We can also help you finish your unreleased tracks and, if you are in Brazil, help you to book a live performance.
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