Thank you for your interest in our music reviews, playlists, website and radio show.
We get hundreds of music submissions every day because we worked hard to make our channel ranked in the top 5% of music channels on spotify and Jacqueline's music reviews and promotional work make her now Mediums Top music writer with her videos in the top 10% of music reviews watched on Spotify.
Thus Jacqueline focuses on just the artists who value her time, so she can continue to build a platform that DOES offer an extreme amount of credibility and value to the serious artists who really need and value her help.
We also represent artist songwriting catalogues for Sync licensing, song sales and distribution.
We can place a song in our radio show which is currently in the top 5% of music channels on Spotify. We have over 20 playlists that we curate and our website features artist recommendations for new songs that I’ve just arrived in google search results. We also represent artist songwriting catalogues for Sync licensing, song sales and distribution. We have an active social media following .
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