Get your album heard with Groover

On Groover, music curators & pros listen to your music, respond with feedback, and get in touch with the artists they’re vibing with!

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Direct and fast access to blogs, radios, playlist curators and music industry professionals

Get guaranteed feedback
No more unanswered emails! Groover guarantees feedback from your selected curators and pros within 7 days.
Gain exposure
Groover provides numerous opportunities: playlist placements, radio plays, social media shares, and more!
Build your network
When curators or pros like your track, they’ll share their contact details with you to stay connected.
Save lots of time
Say goodbye to hours spent searching for contacts. We connect you with industry pros in just a few clicks.

Supporting your music career every day


independent artists and their representatives are using Groover

A dedicated team

We’re a passionate and dedicated crew, here to serve artists like you every day and accelerate your career.

Global Curators & Pros

Connect with a wide range of international music pros: labels, managers, sync supervisors, radio stations, bookers, mentors, and more.


curators and pros, handpicked by the Groover Team, ready to discover new talent.

Get discovered by curators & music pros in a few clicks

Select curators & pros

Choose from a diverse range of music professionals to find the most relevant curators for your music and goals.

Send your track

Share your music directly with the pros you selected. Whether it’s a finished track or an unfinished demo, get your music heard by the right ears.

Get guaranteed feedback

Receive valuable feedback in 7 days, or your credits back. Gain insights, tips, and potential opportunities for playlist placements, radio plays, interviews, and much more.

Get your music heard easily and affordably

Reach a pro for 2 Grooviz =

Grooviz are credits on Groover. To send your track to your chosen curators and pros, you’ll need to purchase Grooviz.

Maximise your reach

We help you target the right curators & pros for your music. Artists who've seen the most success on Groover maximized their music's reach and impact by sending to at least 50 curators.

Invest in your success

Promoting your music on Groover often costs less than traditional PR services, providing great value for your investment.

More than 500K artists & pros use Groover to promote their music

Check out the artists whose careers are taking off thanks to Groover

The Groover campaign for “Gimme A Smile” was particularly decisive. A producer in São Paulo and another in London asked me to send them the vocal tracks of my track for a remix. Then, it all came together: we were signed by the Californian label “Catch and Release”, “Gimme A Smile” was renamed “Up N’ Down” and gained incredible exposure.


Share your tracks now and take your music to the next level

Frequently asked questions

Groover helps artists and their representatives (label managers, PR agents, publishers etc.) get their music heard.

Through an innovative web platform, Groover connects artists who want to promote their music with the best curators, radios and labels seeking emerging talents. On Groover, artists can send their music directly to a selection of blogs, radios, playlist curators, record labels and pros of their choice, get feedback guaranteed, and coverage!

Thanks to Groover, more than 3,000 active music curators and pros have given more than 4 million pieces of feedback, 1 million+ shares (reviews, playlist adds etc.) and 1,000+ signatures on record labels.