AMAG Collective

Manager · Kanada


Jesse is a world-class A&R, producer, songwriter, and engineer. His expertise is in artist development and artist management. He was discovered in 2013 by AM Sharma and Redd Eyezz, Senior Executives at Cash Money Records / Rich Gang - the number one independent record label in the world. His beat-making, unique writing, and intense drive caught their attention, and his life changed when AM flew him out to the legendary Hit Factory Criteria Studios in Miami to work on projects for the label. Jesse spent years in Miami developing under Cash Money's guidance. He received additional mentorship from the legendary Vito Luprano, who discovered, developed and managed the highest-selling female artist of all time - Celine Dion. Over the years he has worked in studios with major stars including Birdman, Derez Deshon, French Montana, Nicki Minaj, and many others. He is on the management team for London On Da Track and continues to work closely with Cash Money Records. When Jesse’s not on tour with the artists he manages, he lives between Miami and Kitchener, Ontario where he is a senior executive for AMAG Collective, one of the world’s top independent artist development and management agencies.
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  • Genres
    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Instrumentaler Hip-Hop
    Rap auf Englisch
    Urban Pop
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    Afrikanische Musik
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    Moderner Jazz
    Neo / Modern Klassisch
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