TCR Reviews

Canale Youtube/Twitch · Stati Uniti


Introducing "The Christian Rockcast," a captivating podcast where I interview talented Christian rock musicians and showcase their inspiring music. Join me on a journey that explores the intersection of faith and rock music, delving into the stories and experiences that shape these artists and their powerful music. Tune in for engaging conversations and uplifting tunes that will leave you inspired and encouraged. Let's rock out together on "The Christian Rockcast"! We also have a playlist we would love to add you to.
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Musica cristiana
Hard rock
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    Musica cristiana
    Metal / Heavy metal
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    Disponibile su Spotify
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    Commerciale / Mainstream
    Dream pop
    Rock elettronico
    Indie pop
    Pop internazionale
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    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Musica country
    Jazz moderno
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I can help artists by promoting them on my podcast, The Christian Rockcast. I also have a playlist I am featuring artists on and can promote it on social media. I also invite any secular artists who have faith-based songs! Send them my way!
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Sta cercando...

  • Testi in inglese
  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

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