Etichetta, Stazione radio, Esperto del suono·Italia
"OCCHIALI DA SOLE" ("Sunglasses") is a radio show produced by us.
Broadcast on FM at Radio Enjoy ( -Puglia (south Italy) every Friday at 9pm.
It airs on All Music Digital Radio ( - Cremona - North Italy.
We have various collaborators to whom we shoot some songs that may be of interest (Playlist Curators / web Radio).
We are a music production studio. Visit our website:
-Pass the song on our "Occhiali da sole" programm on "Radio Enjoy" (FM Radio)";
-Pass the song on our"Occhiali da sole programm on "All Music Web Radio";
-Add song on our Playlist;
-Share your song on our blog;
Fornire consigli e feedback dettagliati
Aggiungere il brano a una playlist
Fare un'intervista
Passare il brano alla radio
Condividere sui social network
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