Music media
Approved artists will have material published on our website and shared on our Instagram (feed and stories).
For the materials with the greatest potential and that we consider the style of our audience, we will make reels as well. May evolve into an interview.
Os artistas aprovados terão matéria publicada em nosso site e compartilhadas em nosso Instagram (feed e stories).
Para os materiais com maior potencial e que considermos estilo do nosso público alvo, faremos Reels também. Podendo evoluir para uma entrevista.
We can add the songs in our official playlists on Spotify, that is called Playfonic. We can publish reviews and news on our website, so people can have more information and details about the artist. We share the music in our instagram posts and reels, and also on facebook and twitter.
Aggiungere il brano a una playlist
Scrivere un articolo
Condividere sui social network
Recentemente ha dato a questi artisti delle opportunità