ForVeryCoolKids is a Parisian brand of streetwear lifestyle and sport created by a collective of young people evolving in the different arts of urban culture such as dance, music, photography and of course fashion. It is in all these forms of expression that the brand finds its inspirations.
- We can share your music to all our subscribers in our stories, create video content with it.
-write an article on our site
- make your songs discover our network of professional fashion, music and image
- discover your songs in a playlist during our events, popup store, aperitif
-collaborated on a joint project with our favorite artists
Aggiungere il brano a una playlist
Organizzare un evento
Fare un'intervista
Fornire consigli e feedback dettagliati
Scrivere un articolo
Condividere sui social network
Recentemente ha dato a questi artisti delle opportunità