Coyote Records

Booker, Label, Manager, Publisher · Canada


Based in Quebec City for 10 years, Coyote Records focuses on music in all its shades (pop, chanson, rock, hiphop). Management, booking, show production, music publishing, record label. Artists: Antoine Corriveau, Alfa Rococo, Bengee, Claude Bégin, D-Track, Di Astronauts, Félix Dyotte, Fire/Works, Francis Faubert, Joëlle Saint-Pierre, Julie Blanche, Karim Ouellet, King Abid, Klô Pelgag, Lary Kidd, Laurence Nerbonne, Laurence Castera, Ludo Pin, Ludovic Alarie, Marieme, Mauves, Millimetrik, Modlee, Nicolas Pellerin & les Grands Hurleurs, Peter Henry Phillips, Rednext Level, Stefie Shock, Webster, Youssoupha
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  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Dance pop
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Nouvelle scene
    Pop rock
    Singer songwriter
    Chanson Française/Variété
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Management, booking, show production, music publishing, record label.
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