Bio and how they support artists Reviewer and most of all live music photographer for Music In Belgium and others. More than 90.000 concert pics on my website · 11000 followers · 1208 followers Genres accepted most often Alternative rock Pop rock Metal / Heavy metal Rock & Roll / Classic Rock Indie rock They want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Hard rock Indie rock Metal / Heavy metal Nouvelle scene Pop rock Progressive rock Psychedelic rock Singer songwriter Chanson Française/Variété Mood Melodic Attributes Electric guitar Finished track Composer International potential Upcoming project Young talent They are also open to receiving... Genres Classical music Commercial / Mainstream Country music Electropop Film music Indie pop Instrumental International pop Melodic metal Solo Piano They don't want to receive... Genres Ambient Experimental rock Hip-hop Rap in English Trap Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Genesis Kayak Serenity Ad Infinitum Delain PUR-SANG Warkings Stream of Passion Marcela Bovio Nightwish Battle Beast Alan Parsons Serge Lama FRANCŒUR Pink Floyd Mike & The Mechanics Stevie Nicks Isabelle Boulay Gotthard H.E.A.T Services Give my humble opinion and share videos on our FB page Add to a playlist Write an article Share on social networks They recently gave these artists opportunities Sol The Human Drive Shared on their social media Un Homme Ulysse Mars Shared on their social media EVERY BODIES Elvin Road Shared on their social media A Change in the Weather Kuff Dam Shared on their social media They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music curators/pros for Belgium Top media outlets/journalists for pop Top pop curators/pros from Belgium Top media outlets/journalists for alternative rock Top media outlets/journalists for indie rock Top media outlets/journalists for pop rock Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know (Very) selective They share fewer than 4% of received tracks Activity on Groover 3198 answers given Since signing up 83% answer rate Last 30 days 1% opportunity rate Last 12 months