Bio We are a French contemporary music media based in Nantes. We specialize in pop, urban pop music but we also broadcast other genres such as R&B, Hip-hop, soul, etc. On the other hand, we do not broadcast Rock, electro pop mixed with EDM. 684 followers · 215 followers · Genres accepted most often Chanson Française/Variété Hip-hop Urban pop French rap R&B They want to receive... Genres Hip-hop Urban pop Chanson Française/Variété Attribute Strong social media presence They are also open to receiving... Attribute International potential They don't want to receive... Genres Death / Thrash Film music Hardcore Instrumental Metal / Heavy metal Noise Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Stromae Kanye West Jean-Jacques Goldman Services Instagram feed + stories / We will also do interviews with groover artists once a week. Do an interview Share on social networks They recently gave these artists opportunities Né à la mauvaise époque FAUST Shared on their social media Allô ALX Shared on their social media Dulce de Leche John-Maria Shared on their social media but do i wanna. Violet Jane Shared on their social media They’re looking for... Lyrics in English and French Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music media outlets/journalists from France Top media outlets/journalists for r&b/soul Top hip-hop/rap curators/pros from France Top media outlets/journalists for hip-hop Top media outlets/journalists for urban pop Top media outlets/journalists for chanson française/variété Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive Activity on Groover 567 answers given Since signing up 100% answer rate Last 30 days 33% opportunity rate Last 12 months