La Clinica Dischi

Label · Italy


🇮🇹 La Clinica Dischi si prende cura delle vostre orecchie. Dal 2014 solo iniezioni di buona musica italiana. La Clinica Dischi è etichetta discografica, editore musicale, management di artisti, studio di registrazione e produzione musicale, produttore di eventi, ufficio stampa, booking, casa di produzione multimediale (video/grafiche/foto). 🇬🇧 La Clinica Dischi takes care of your ears. Since 2014, only injections of good Italian music. La Clinica Dischi is a record label, music publisher, artist management, recording and music production studio, event producer, press office, booking, multimedia production house (video / graphics / photos).
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  • Genre
    Indie pop
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  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks
Good to know
High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks
High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive

Activity on Groover
24 answers given Since signing up
100% answer rate Last 30 days
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