Hey Play!

Booker, Media Outlet · Mexico


Festival mexicano, fue creado con el propósito de promover y difundir artistas emergentes de forma nacional e internacional, así mismo, crear espacios de recreación musical donde jóvenes pueden involucrarse en esta disciplina y de esta manera, fomentar un acercamiento artístico. It is a Mexican Festival that was created with the purpose of promoting and disseminating emerging artists nationally and internationally, as well as creating spaces for musical recreation where young people can get involved in this discipline.
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They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Canzone Italiana
    Chill out
    Dance music
    Dance pop
    Indie folk
    Pop rock
    Chanson Française/Variété
They are also open to receiving...
  • Genres
    Electronic rock
    Experimental rock
  • Attribute
    Acoustic guitar
They don't want to receive...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Death / Thrash
    K-pop / J-pop
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Punk Rock
  • Moods
  • Attribute
Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet!


Durante la crisis sanitaria que se ha estado viviendo en los últimos meses, en Hey Play nos enfocamos en seguir difundiendo tu proyecto independiente de forma virtual con las diferentes dinámicas que manejamos en nuestras redes sociales. Pueden formar parte de nuestra playlist oficial en Spotify, participar en nuestras entrevistas a través de Instagram Live, formar parte de nuestros eventos online, y cuando las condiciones sean óptimas, formar parte de nuestros festivales presenciales. During the health crisis that has been going on in recent months, at Hey Play we focus on continuing to spread your independent project in a virtual way with the different dynamics that we handle on our social networks. They can be part of our official playlist on Spotify, participate in our interviews through Instagram Live, be part of our online events, and when conditions are optimal, take part in our festivals.
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They’re looking for...

  • Lyrics in any language
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks
Good to know
High quality feedback They stand out for the pertinence and quality of their feedback
Organizes events They organize gigs
High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks
(Very) selective They share fewer than 4% of received tracks

Activity on Groover
923 answers given Since signing up
98% answer rate Last 30 days
1% opportunity rate Last 12 months
Sending a track to this curator pro costs