Bio and how they support artists Playlist: GYM MODO BESTIA | WORKOUT | AGGRESSIVE 798 followers Genres accepted most often Alternative rock Hard rock Pop Punk Punk Rock Metal / Heavy metal They want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Hard rock Hip-hop Metal / Heavy metal Pop Punk Pop rock Punk Rock Trap Moods Dark Energetic Hardcore Intense Attribute Available on Spotify They are also open to receiving... Genres Electronica Hardcore Indie rock International rap They don't want to receive... Genres Classical music Country music Modern jazz R&B Reggae Mood Chill Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Eminem Bring Me The Horizon Linkin Park Rise Against NF Kendrick Lamar Kanye West XXXTENTACION Three Days Grace Services Add to my playlist Share on social networks Add to a playlist They recently gave these artists opportunities The Secret Widow Anchor Added to a playlist Breathe Out Young Xo Added to a playlist Revolution FXRLY Added to a playlist Boring People Get Bored Mapache Added to a playlist They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music playlist curators from United states Top playlist curators for pop Top pop curators/pros from United states Top playlist curators for hip-hop Top playlist curators for alternative rock Top playlist curators for pop rock Good to know Certified Spotify playlist The Groover team has verified the editorial quality and impact of this playlist Activity on Groover 1210 answers given Since signing up 72% answer rate Last 30 days 11% opportunity rate Last 12 months