James Sanger - Vibey Studios

Mentorin · Vereinigtes Königreich


James Sanger Artist-Developer, Songwriter, Producer, Poet, Trouble Maker. Residential Recording Studio complex and Film Studio owner Nominated 2025 Brit Award Vibey development English Teacher Won Rolling Stone Best New Band English Teacher 2024 Won Mercury Music Prize English Teacher 2024 Current Achievements 21 of my Vibey Developed Artists, or those I've Produced, Programmed or Mixed have won BRIT Awards! 7 Vibey Artists performed at Glastonbury 2024 (Keane, English Teacher, Squeeze, Siobhan Donaghy of the Sugababes, Mel C of the Spice Girls, and Faithless) Official Awards Nominated for 'BRIT AWARD’ ‘Best New Band’ 2025 (Artist Development, Co-Write / Production/ Programming ENGLISH TEACHER) Winner of Mercury Music Prize 'Album Of The Year’ 2024 (Artist Development / Co-Write, Production, Programming ENGLISH TEACHER’) Winner of Rolling Stone ‘best Breakthrough’ 2024 (Artist Development / Co-Write, Production, Programming ENGLISH TEACHER’) Winner of 'BRIT AWARD’ ‘Best British Album’ 2005 (Artist Development, Co-Write / Production/ Programming KEANE) Winner of 'BRIT AWARD’ ‘Best British Female Solo Artist ’ 2004 (Artist Development, Programming, Sound design, session performances, DIDO) Ivor Novello Award For Songwriter Of The Year 2005 (My KEANE co-writer Tim Rice-Oxley won the award—> ...but Im' not sure why I didn't get awarded one as the co-writer more than 14 songs with him? Anyhoo... didn’t.) My contributions to the Music Industry total over 9.98 billion USD and accrue over 100 million USD per year Statistics: 2.6b streams, 943m Youtube, 16x Platinum, 39x Gold Almost 1b streams as Songwriter/ composer and lyricist '...but it's not about awards and boring stats, it's about love, yea, love baby, I just love developing artists like you and making records…' 2.6b streams, 1b youtube, 16x platinum • As of today, I’m showing 388 million streams as a composer and 343 million streams as a lyricist. I’m an artist developer, songwriter, producer, … Over the years I’ve developed and worked with many bands and artists… Keane, , The Cure, Manic Street Preachers, English Teacher, Dido, Deleo, My Architects, U2, Felix Pallas , Suede, Faithless, The Cardigans, Boy George, Jimmy Somerville, Demons of Ruby Mae (pop/indie) BareHunter (indie/rock). Annie Lennox, Mel C, Brian Eno, Siobhan Donaghy, Madonna, The Cardigans, Phil Collins, Sinead O’Connor, … lots and lots...
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    Alternativer Rock
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    Trip Hop
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I offer song critques and helpful advice about production and songwriting. I offer one to one mentoring via linktr.ee/jamessanger Also --> I have a residential recording studio complex in France called VibeyStudios where bands and artists come to develop, write and record …I also provide A&R services and do ’song critiques’. I help people remotely develop their songs in production and recording and ‘sounds’. Also I teach a multitude of studio recording techniques, using hardware and software, as a musician, producer and music programmer. The recording studio is equipped with many cool old synths and all sorts of vibey instruments and old analog effects, several pianos and organs. The studio has separate recording rooms; Drum Room, Strings Room, Guitar Room, Behringer Synth room, Writing Room, Control Room, Live Room, Amp Room, Ham Radio and Synths Shack and Vocal Booth, Strings Room, Tower room, Rave room and Nightclub space, even a Banqueting hall!, All acoustically treated for recording real instruments. The studio can accommodate 12 people comfortably, with an attached but separate artists apartments. Artists and Bands stay can vary form a few days to many months depending on what we are recording (single, EP, or Album). Here are my credits at muso.ai -> https://credits.muso.ai/profile/6315130f-2a67-4b9a-a9cf-e1f196b1d906
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