Sabco Music Publishing

Mentorin, Verlag, Sync Supervisor · Vereinigte Staaten


Sabco Music is the vision of long time music executive Randy Sabiston, who explains: "After I was lucky enough to be in music for a while, my dream was to have my own music company. To be free to take chances and develop artists that I truly believe in and who believe in me as well. It really is a partnership in that way-taking that journey together and finding your way. It’s been said that art is the creation of something beautiful from nothing, and that’s what songwriters do, they pull these ideas and melody’s out of thin air and create magic...songs that can last forever. What a thing to be a part of..." ​ Sabiston's varied signings have included Quicksand, The Hold Steady, Gavin DeGraw, Lifehouse, Matthew Sweet, Chevelle, The Damnwells, Rival Schools, Sevendust and Monster Magnet to name just a few.... ​ Sabco is administered for the world by Hipgnosis Songs
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

Alternativer Rock
Hard Rock
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    Alternativer Rock
    Elektronischer Rock
    Hard Rock
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Rock & Roll / Klassischer Rock
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    Experimenteller Rock
    New wave
    Psychedelic Rock
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    Akustische Gitarre
    Professionelle Produktion
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As an A&R person in the music publishing industry, I've been lucky enough to work with many amazingly talented songwriters. Developing songwriters is what I enjoy most, and I'd be happy to critique your song submissions and help you to realize your songs potential. I can help you reach your vision in a few different ways: -Connecting you or your song to a real network of A&R executives at record companies and music publishing companies -Introduce you to artist management companies and entertainment lawyers -Recommend you or your song to a vast network of music supervisors for placement in film , tv and advertising -Help you understand your marketplace and how to effectively release your music into the world through digital service providers -Introduce you to other songwriters (lyricists/top line writers, beat makers etc.) for song collaboration
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