Blanca Segura (Puente Sonoro)

Mentorin · Peru


I've been working in the music industry since 2011 developing international artists in the Peruvian market through marketing strategies, as well as creating communication strategies to help them with their positioning in that market, handling projects that help the development of the music industry, doing digital distribution for bands as well as event production, management and booking. I worked as a Writer & Content Generator for “Movistar Música”, the 1st Peruvian multiplatform of music related content, curating its content, creating new formats for the mobile app and TV platforms, and developing communication strategies. Currently, I have my own company called “Puente Sonoro” that offers services related to the creative industries, we manage and book about 10 latin artists and have our own music festival called "Viaje Al Sur" that has already had 3 editions. I also worked for one of the most important record labels in Argentina, as a Label & Content Services Coordinator called “Leader Ent” that owns over 16,000 songs and it’s responsible for the boom of cumbia in the late 90s. On the other hand, I worked as a Country Manager of Ditto Music in Peru, a digital distribution company based in London, for over 2 years helping them acquiring artists and positioning the brand in Peru. was also the director of the magazine of independent Peruvian art and pop culture called “minúscula” and I occasionally collaborate with the Argentinian magazine “Indie Hoy”, as well as with “Tercer Parlante” in Peru.
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  • Genres
    Dance pop
    Dream Pop
    Lofi bedroom
  • Attribute
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
    Frühes Projekt
    Internationales Potenzial
    Unsignierter Künstler
    Bevorstehendes Projekt
    Junge Talente
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  • Genres
    Klassische Musik
    Neo / Modern Klassisch
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