Liquid Sunshine Sound System

Mentorin, Radiosender · Australien


Put on your boogie pants and dancing shoes and come on down for some Liquid Sunshine. It's sexy music, for sexy people. Liquid Sunshine is a weekly radio show on 2XX FM in Australia, and The Face Radio in Brooklyn, USA, playing the best Deep Funk, Rare Groove, Disco & Beats - All The Good Stuff. And we also DJ out in the wild! We regularly do shows in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and along the Australian East Coast. 2021 will see us on the stages of the European summer festivals and in the booths of the European night clubs. We are also a full service law firm to the music industry, providing advice to DJs, Producers, Musicians and Event Organisers. Catch Liquid Sunshine with Maarten Vlot as a podcast, browse the socials, or get in contact via this link: or Stream live at or Liquid Sunshine Sound System on Mixcloud Live | Mixcloud every Tuesday from 10 PM – Midnight New York / 3 – 5 AM London / 1 - 3 PM Oz or Stream live at, or tune in to 98.3 FM in Australia every Thursday from 7:30 - 8:30AM New York / 12:30 - 1:30PM London / 9:30 - 10:30PM Oz
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    Deep House
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    Hard Rock
    Metal / Heavy metal
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Airplay on my radio shows and live DJ shows. Distribution to my social media networks. Distribution to my DJ & Professional networks.
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