
Booker, Manager · Spanien


Oscar Guzmán (Murcia, 1982). Melómano y explorador de música emergente infatigable. Redactor y entrevistador en blog de música emergente y underground de La Gramola Encendida. Decide dar el salto al ver las lagunas que se encuentran bandas emergentes en funciones de desarrollo, managment o comunicación, y monta junto con otros expertos en la materia La Semilla MGMT, una agencia donde, basado en principios de ética, transparencia y confianza con las bandas, se trabaja de forma conjunta para ayudarles a tener presencia en el mainstream y otras oportunidades. Grandes bandas de sonidos alternativos como neopsicodelia (Ruto Neón, Mala Cotton o Goblin Circus), y otros estilos como lisergia o Garage (Shaman Shaman), forman parte de su catálogo. Oscar Guzmán (Murcia, 1982). Music lover and tireless emerging music explorer. Editor and interviewer at La Gramola Encendida's emerging and underground music blog. He decided to take the leap when he saw the gaps that emerging bands found in development, management or communication functions, and set up, together with other experts in the field, La Semilla MGMT, an agency where, based on principles of ethics, transparency and trust with bands, we work together to help them have a presence in the mainstream and other opportunities. Great bands with alternative sounds such as neopsychedelia (Ruto Neón, Mala Cotton or Goblin Circus), and other styles such as lysergia or Garage (Shaman Shaman), are part of their catalogue.
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Du willst erhalten...
  • Genres
    Beats / Lo-fi
    Experimenteller Rock
    Funky / Jackin House
    New wave
    Progressiver Pop
    Psychedelic Pop
    Psychedelic Rock
  • Stimmungen
    Gute Vibes
  • Attribut
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
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  • Genres
    Canzone Italiana
    Musik für Kinder
    Klassische Musik
    Death / Thrash
    Future House
    Deutsches Lied
    Angerfist, Headhunterz, Wildstylez
    Harter Techno
    Melodischer Metall
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Rap auf Englisch
    Tech House
    Trip Hop
    Chanson Française/Variété
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We can provide booking, promotion and development services for artists, in addition to promoting the booking of our own events related to music. If the artists fit, we can consider including them in our select roster.
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