La Ligne Bleue Records

Label · Frankreich


Before being a music label, La Ligne Bleue is a Parisian collective with multiple influences and multiple practices (music, video, styling, photography, etc.). It was in 2018 that La Ligne Bleue Records (LBR) was born under the impetus of members of the collective to give birth to a music label. Today, La Ligne Bleue is a musical family made up of Manast LL', Rad Cartier, Jeune Faune, Ceddy, DOR, Astrolabe Musique, Joss & 528ron. Under this banner, different musical styles mingle which all cohabit together during the compilations of the label: Les Tapes Bleues. Among the genres defended by La Ligne Bleue Records, we find experimental music (Jeune Faune), electronic music (Astrolabe Musique), R'n'B (Ceddy) or rap (Manast LL', Rad Cartier and GOLDEN). LBR hosts producers (Jeune Faune, Astrolabe Musique, 528ron), performers (Manast LL’, Rad Cartier, Ceddy, DOR, Jeune Faune) and a sound engineer (Joss). The music of Ligne Bleue Records is multiple, as are the languages ​​that appear on its titles: French, English and Spanish. If we had to define what unites all the artists of La Ligne Bleue Records, it would undoubtedly be romanticism. A major and recurring theme, romanticism constantly returns in the tracks of La Ligne Bleue Records. In the melodies and in the lyrics, La Ligne Bleue Records assumes its romanticism and claims it.
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  • Genres
    Afrobeat / Afropop
    Drum and Bass
    Internationaler Rap
    Rap auf Englisch
    Französischer Rap
Du bist auch offen für...
  • Genres
    Afrikanische Musik
    Bossa nova
    Brasilianische Musik
    Experimenteller Jazz
    Moderner Jazz
    Progressiver Pop
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