Gezvolt Records

Label · Kanada


TECH HOUSE label based in Toronto, Canada. At Gezvolt Records we are on a mission to release tech house bangers to the World, while creating a family of artists! Here you will be a part of GR family not just a name on a cover. We provide support to our family members and ask our artists to support each other. At GR we push the boundaries and embrace new sounds. Our banger recipes include but not limited to strong kicks, groovy basslines, innovative synths, and sharp hats. Add some funky spices and catchy vocals here and there…. and we got a groovy track cooked up and dancefloor ready. Cheers!
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  • Genres
    UK Garage / Bassline
  • Attribut
    Unsignierter Künstler
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  • Genres
    Rap auf Englisch
    Französischer Rap
    Chanson Française/Variété
  • Attribute
    Geringe Wiedergabetreue
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Worldwide releases including all pro platforms. Support with music production and release promotions. Connections with other talented dj's/producers.
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Überprüft von Groover

Aktivität auf Groover
126 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
0% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
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