ChicaK (El Cerrito Records)

Sound Experte · Vereinigte Staaten


El Cerrito Records is a professional music recording studio located in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area. Owned and operated by a multi-GRAMMY Award® winning team. At El Cerrito Records, we offer a comprehensive suite of services encompassing the entire music production process, from recording to editing, to mixing and mastering. With expertise in delivering both stereo and immersive (Dolby Atmos) audio formats, our studio has been the creative hub for diverse projects, ranging from entire albums and singles to demos and film scores. Our unwavering commitment to quality and professionalism ensures an unparalleled experience for musicians of all genres and project sizes. Having collaborated with globally acclaimed musicians such as Los Van Van, Orquesta Aragón, Issac Delgado, Alain Perez, Aymée Nuviola, Claudia Montero, Orquesta Failde, Diego El Cigala, Antonio Rey, Conjunto Cespedes, Omar Sosa, Orestes Vilató, Gema Corredera, Tanghetto, Falu, the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, among others, El Cerrito Records has become synonymous with excellence in the music industry. We pride ourselves on facilitating the creative expression of artists, contributing to large and small-scale productions with an emphasis on delivering outstanding results. In addition to our role as a premier recording studio, El Cerrito Records serves as a small independent label, providing a platform for selected musicians on our roster. We assist our artists in distributing and promoting their music globally.
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  • Genres
    Karibische Musik
    Klassische Musik
    Indie Indien
    lateinamerikanische Musik
  • Stimmungen
    Aussagekräftige Songtexte
  • Attribute
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
    Erfahrung auf der Bühne
    Internationales Potenzial
    Starke Präsenz in den sozialen Medien
Du bist auch offen für...
  • Genres
    Afrobeat / Afropop
    Alternativer Rock
    Kommerziell / Mainstream
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Music production, recording, mix, and mastering. Label services as well as management. Learning opportunities and the possibility to do an internship with a multi-GRAMMY Award winning team.
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  • Songtext in Englisch, Hindi und Spanisch
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