MaAuLa Records

Selo · França


French label specialized in "exotic" music, to use a word like exotica from the 50's. Because the music stand by MaAuLa has no border, its influences are from everywhere and nowhere. The label release both multicultural music reissues and contemporary bands feeds by music from all over the world. MaAuLa release both physical and digital albums or compilations.
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Quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Música africana
    Música latina
    Jazz moderno
    Nouvelle scene
    Música tradicional
  • Estados de espírito
  • Atributo
    Produção profissional
Não quer receber...
  • Gêneros
    Metal / Heavy metal
  • Estados de espírito
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MaAuLa release compilations called maaula-o-rama, a panorama of bands playing music influenced by music from all over the world. We can put one of your song in one of those compilations. These are exclusively on bandcamp and name your price, so we can't pay royalties for this, but we have good press and radios often playlisted the maaula-o-rama (FIP, Nova, Campus, Krimi, Grigri and many more). And if we like a lot you music, why don't we talk about an album, EP or single ?
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  • Letras de música em qualquer língua
  • Artistas de qualquer país/região
  • Faixas não lançadas e faixas já lançadas

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