Amit Gurbaxani

Jornalista · Índia


Amit Gurbaxani is a Mumbai-based journalist who specialises in writing about business trends in the Indian music industry and the workings of its independent scene. His work can be read in international publications such as Billboard, Music Ally and Music Business Worldwide. He has contributed to the pages of Firstpost, India Today, Mint Lounge, Red Bull, Scroll, The Guardian, The Indian Express, The Wire and Vogue, to name just a few. Amit has been a features writer for over two decades, over the course of which he has been an editor with the hyper-local print and web magazines Time Out Mumbai, Mumbai Boss and The Daily Pao.
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  • Gêneros
    Rock alternativo
    Dance pop
    Electronic rock
    Indie indiano
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
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  • Gêneros
    Música para filmes
    Jazz fusion
    Folk indie
    Rock & Roll / Rock Clássico
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  • Gênero
    Música clássica
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While I mainly write about the music business in India, with over 20 years of experience as a journalist covering both Indian and international acts, I am in a position to provide feedback to artists on their compositions along with suggestions on how to promote their releases. It's unlikely that I will be able to write about an individual artist but if I really like something, I will share it on my social media. And if it fits into a story about larger industry trends, I'll get in touch!
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