EXAG Records

Etichetta · Belgio


EXAG’ Records started as a one man independent record label in Brussels in 2015. The label sparkled from Greg Noël’s fantasy to press vinyls for cranky garage-psych-rock’n’roll bands, host them at his place – jet-lagged US musicians, drunken Scottish booted guitarists and so on, and help these smelly rats head down the roads of Europe with vans that wouldn’t break down and backline that shouldn’t burn out towards the million kinds of venues these days can produce. Pretty soon this all came true, and in the process Greg took a couple of friends in – Valerian (fellow musician from Moaning Cities & Phoenician Drive and festival organizer), and Kev (fellow rugby player and old time friend), and now EXAG’ Records stands as a more complete project: not only working as a record label, but also helping with artist development and touring logistics. Artists : Tamar Aphek, Thank, ORCHIDS, Phoenician Drive, Leopard Skull, Milk TV, WIBG, Slift, OkeyDokey, Material Girls.
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Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Rock elettronico
    Garage rock
    Indie rock
    Post punk
    Pop psichedelico
    Rock psichedelico
    Rock & Roll / Rock classico
  • Umore
  • Attributi
    Progetto agli inizi
    Artista non sotto contratto
    Giovane talento
Non vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Musica classica
    Danza pop
    Death / Thrash
    Musica per le vacanze
    Hip-hop strumentale
    Rap internazionale
    K-pop / J-pop
    Metal melodico
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Rap in inglese
    Rap francese
    Pop urbano
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Label, production, distribution, promotion, sync, publishing
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  • Testi in qualsiasi lingua
  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

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