witchy girl fall vibes ✨ (by Eef)

Curatore di Playlist · Paesi Bassi


Hi! My name is Eef and I'm the playlist curator for 'Witchy Girl Fall Vibes - songs that make me feel like a hippie witch in the 70s.' Step into a world of enchantment and nostalgia with 'Witchy Girl Fall Vibes.' This playlist is a bewitching journey through time and sound, conjuring the spirit of a 1970s hippie witch. Each song is carefully selected to evoke the mystique and free-spirited energy of the era when folk, rock, and psychedelic music flourished. Expect to be transported to a realm where the air is filled with the scent of incense, leaves rustle with secrets, and the moon's glow guides your path. These songs are your sonic incantations, inviting you to embrace your inner witch and dance under the harvest moon. I am specifically looking for songs that capture the essence of the 1970s with a touch of mysticism and a dash of hippie culture. Furthermore, my playlist is all about empowering the dark feminine.
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Generi accettati più spesso

Indie rock
Indie pop
Indie folk
Rock alternativo
Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Rock alternativo
    Commerciale / Mainstream
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    New wave
    Pop progressivo
  • Stati d'animo
Non vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Acid house
    Afrobeat / Afropop
    Afro House / Amapiano
    Bass music
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
    Dance music
    Death / Thrash
    Deep house
    Drum and Bass
    Elettro swing
    Hard Dance / Hardcore / Hardstyle
    Hip-hop strumentale
    Rap internazionale
    Metal melodico
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Progressive / Melodic House & Techno
    Rap in inglese
    Rap francese
    Tech House
    Trip hop
    UK Garage / Bassline
    Pop urbano
Non sei sicuro del genere musicale più adatto al tuo stile? Dai un'occhiata alla nostra guida ai generi musicali!


- Add to playlist - Write detailed and curated feedback that can be used for commercial purposes on your end. I will carefully listen to each song and if I think it is a good match for my playlist I will add it to a random spot in the playlist (so it's fair for everyone). IMPORTANT: I leave songs up for ONE MONTH, after which I will delete them to make room for other songs. If you want to keep them in for a little bit longer please contact me. Furthermore, I will write detailed feedback for every song (also the ones I don't add) which you are free to use in any way you see fit (for promotional purposes et cetera).
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