Etichetta · Francia


IILE is a vinyl label founded by Léo-Pol Poirel and Jean-Baptiste Messier, launched in 2015 with an attempt at creating a white label series. The ethos behind this idea was to create a blank-slate platform for Leo Pol to release as an ‘unknown artist’. Divorced from the cult of personality the idea was to create something more pure, focusing exclusively on the music. “We wanted the person who buys the record to feel a physical connection with the label”. Starting at first with the Uniile sub-label focused specifically on blank release vinyl and eventually growing to IILE (Unille stands for Unknown IILE). Where this evolution could dilute some labels it has strengthened Leo Pol and JB’s love of information-free music curation. The initial run sold out instantly, creating a cult like phenomenon. One of these buyers ripped the record and uploaded the “You Got the Funk” to their Youtube channel, the video quickly became viral reaching millions of views. The song was eventually retraced to Leo Pol and he was associated with the release, but his love of undercover artists remains a constant in his work. Influential DJs from Kerri Chandler to Margaret Dygas supported his music, culminating with legendary Mr G calling “You Got the Funk” his number one favourite track of the year. The subsequent record was credited to Leo Pol and released on the main label. With over 10k physical copies sold and distributed to 66 different countries globally the label remains completely independent. Most of the music released is from Leo Pol directly or in collaboration with other artists from the likes of Denis Sulta, Mad Rey, Marc Milner, Starving Yet Full (Azari & III).
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Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Afrobeat / Afropop
    Dance music
    House music
  • Stati d'animo
  • Attributi
    Brano finito
    Potenziale internazionale
    Artista non sotto contratto
    Progetto imminente
    Giovane talento
É anche disponibile a ricevere...
  • Generi
    Musica africana
    Musica araba
    Musica asiatica
    Bossa nova
    Musica brasiliana
    Musica caraibica
    Rap internazionale
    Musica latina
    Musica orientale
    Rap in inglese
  • Stati d'animo
Non vuole ricevere...
  • Genere
    Metal / Heavy metal
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We are an independent label with complete vertical integration from art direction and production, publishing and rights management, down to web marketing and physical distribution. We release music in various formats: vinyl recordings, digital, audiovisual productions, merchandising, and more.
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  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

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