Bloomer Records

Etichetta · Paesi Bassi


Bloomer Records is an independent record label based in Amsterdam. When signing new talent, we look for up-and-coming artists who offer a fresh and colorful perspective on music with the utmost objective of helping these artists’ careers further “bloom.” Our musical interests and releases run across a range of genres, with the common thread throughout all releases being music that inspires us and is imbued with a sense of creativity and curiosity. Bloomer Records holds three core values which both define the company ethos and how our team operates: To be good people and work with good people To align ourselves with extraordinary talent with inspiring stories To provide our artists with an unfiltered platform to share their music and tell their stories
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Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Dream pop
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
  • Stati d'animo
    Testi significativi
  • Attributi
    Disponibile su Spotify
    Potenziale internazionale
É anche disponibile a ricevere...
  • Generi
    Rock alternativo
    Commerciale / Mainstream
  • Attributo
    Artista non sotto contratto
Non vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Canzone Italiana
    Musica classica
    Musica country
    Death / Thrash
    Jazz sperimentale
    Metal / Heavy metal
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Sta cercando...

  • Testi in qualsiasi lingua
  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

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