Bite-Size Jazz Podcast

Media · Stati Uniti


A jazz podcast with a taste of new albums and new artists. When you’re looking for jazz artists releasing music today, the options are limitless. But without any background knowledge of who these artists are, they start to blend together. That’s why Bite-Size Jazz is dedicated to sharing artist stories to bring context and appreciation to today’s jazz musicians. Each episode gives you the inside scoop on a brand new album and artist — in their own words. They open up about personal stories that inspired original songs, describe the arrangement process, and share their musical journey. Plus, we play short clips of music that give you a taste of their sound. Listen today to discover your new favorite artist!
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Vuole ricevere...
  • Generi
    Jazz sperimentale
    Jazz fusion
    Jazz moderno
É anche disponibile a ricevere...
  • Generi
    Musica africana
    Bossa nova
  • Attributi
Non sei sicuro del genere musicale più adatto al tuo stile? Dai un'occhiata alla nostra guida ai generi musicali!


I share their stories and music through a podcast, blog post, and social media.
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Sta cercando...

  • Testi in qualsiasi lingua
  • Artisti di qualsiasi paese/regione
  • Brani inediti e brani pubblicati

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89% tasso di risposta Ultimi 30 giorni
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