Patrice has been recording and mixing music in great studios with great artists since the 1980's. He's now mixing remotely from his home by the Atlantic ocean and has specialized in Dolby Atmos and other immersive audio formats.
He's also a columnist for various magazines and teaches sound theory and music business at the Abbey Road Institute in Paris.
He's the author of « The Musician's Legal Guide » (in french), published by KR/Dunod in 2019.
Patrice is not really an « influencer » but you can trust him to give you a technical feedback on your production, which is more useful before its release, then...
My technical expertise can let me tell you all the bad (or sometimes good) things I think about the way your track is sounding to my ears.
Beware, I may say things that you won't like ;-)
Please note : As "live" recordings usually cannot be amended, I cannot comment on them and will not respond in order not to waste your Grooviz ;-)
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