Sonos Music Records

Label · Italie
À propos de

Sa description

Italian Label (owned by Maffucci Music) devoted to promote Music in Italy, mainly from Italian Artists but also from foreign Aritsts who look at Italian Market as well. The founder has been for 10 years a chair in the Board of Directors of PMI, the most important Italian Association of Labels/Producers and has many collaborations with big Companies, Radio & TV networks. If you don't get an answer form us, please wirte again,
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Genres qu’il/elle accepte le plus

Indie pop
Indie folk
Musique traditionnelle
Commercial / Mainstream
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Dance pop
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Nouvelle scène
    Musique traditionnelle
  • Ambiances
  • Caractéristiques
    Album à venir
    Jeunes talents
Elle·il ne veut surtout pas recevoir...
  • Genres
    Death / Thrash
    Melodic metal
    Metal / Heavy metal
  • Caractéristique
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Ses services

We work on promoting music in Spotify Playlists and boosting video (embedding, backlinks and campaigns included Google), then on national Press Release and video preview on Sky and Mediaset. We sign a License Agreement and a Publishing one as well, copyrighting songs at Italian SIAE even though you are a memebr of other Collecting Society as author/composer (i.e. Sacem). We give you: -) 50% of all our revenue from analytical Mechanical Rights and from Digital Distribution (through Believe Sas) on all Digital Stores (you get a customized access on our backstage panel to control the trends and payments). We put your songs into our Spotify Playlists along with sending them to another 1.500 Playlist Curators all over the world. We release videoclip on our Youtube channel and, anìbove all, we do: 1) National Press Release 2) Official Radio Date with 250 guaranteed airplays on National Radios 3) Digital promotion with an average of 9/10.000 Spotify streamings in our Palylists a special Playlists and also an average from 5.000 to 10.000 Youtube views coming from a huge activity of Backlinks we create (we send the report with an excel file with the thousands of web sites where we ambed the video). What else?.... we are looking to listen to your music!
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Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Des paroles dans n’importe quelle langue
  • Des artistes de tous les coins du monde
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis

Vérifié par Groover

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Taux de réponse élevé Ce média / pro est très actif en ce moment, en faisant des retours à plus de 90% des morceaux reçus
Taux de partage élevé Ce média / pro accepte plus de 15% des morceaux reçus

Activité Groover
393 feedbacks réalisés Depuis son inscription
95% taux de réponse 30 derniers jours
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