Currently working as community manager and journalist at Hyconiq. Journalist, Manager, Community Manager, Beatmaker, Consulting, Founder of the Media ILLCOMING for underground artists (and more). As i work in different fields, please, when you send your song, state what you expect/what is your interest.
On Hyconiq, I write articles (threads, IG posts...) and even videos for the YouTube channel. I can put you in weekly highlights for songs that just dropped, or weekly gems to make people discover you as well as write articles.
On another hand, I also work independently also as a manager and beatmaker so I can help with discussing strategy and music improvement if needed.
I also created my own structure, ILLCOMING, which is focused on new artists and make video interviews, IG Live interviews, articles etc…
Ajouter à une playlist
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux
Écrire un article
Organiser un évènement
Faire une interview
Donner des conseils avisés / détaillés
Il/elle leur a récemment proposé des opportunités…