Bio and how they support artists We are open to all kinds of project in the “pop music” world and are committed to developing a trustful and close relationship with our partners. · 583 followers They want to receive... Genres Electropop Indie pop Nouvelle scene R&B Singer songwriter Urban pop Chanson Française/Variété Mood Contemporary Attribute Young talent They are also open to receiving... Genres Instrumental French rap They don't want to receive... Genres Death / Thrash Electro swing Experimental jazz Jazz fusion German song Hardcore Holiday music Metal / Heavy metal Modern jazz Noise Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Laura Cahen Mansfield.TYA Clara Ysé BRÖ The Rodeo Claire days Klô Pelgag Anna Majidson Pomme Laurie Darmon Yoa Services Publishing & administration of songs Add to a playlist Share on social networks They’re looking for... Lyrics in French Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music curators/pros for France Top publishers for pop Top pop curators/pros from France Top publishers for indie pop Top publishers for r&b Top publishers for singer songwriter Verified by Groover Learn more Activity on Groover 65 answers given Since signing up 0% answer rate Last 30 days