Rock Achorao ’is one of the most important music broadcasting platforms in Peru. It has been operating since 2012 through its web portal, social networks and various BTL initiatives.
Its members collaborate in various cultural projects and also establish constant collaborations with important local and international media.
Rock Achorao 'is part of FARO, the alliance of Latin American musical and cultural media together with Indie Hoy (Ar), Scream & Yell (Br) POTQ (Cl), Shock (Co), Magazine AMPM (Cu), Zona de Obras (Es), Mondo Sonoro (Es), Indie Rocks! (Mx) and Piiila (Uy).
Likewise, part of the Rock Achorao 'team offers the specialized dam service in Latin American musical and cultural media, through its agency Indie.gestión (@ indiegestion.lab).
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