Bio and how they support artists
🇧🇷 Jornalista, criador do Miojo Indie e integrante do podcast Vamos Falar Sobre Música. Já passou por diferentes publicações de Editora Abril, foi editor de Cultura e Entretenimento no Huffington Post Brasil, colaborou com a Folha de S. Paulo e trabalhou com Brand Experience e Creative Copywriter em marcas como Itaú e QuintoAndar. Pai do Pudim, “ataca de DJ” nas horas vagas e adora ganhar discos de vinil de presente.
🇬🇧 Journalist, creator of Miojo Indie and member of the podcast Vamos Falar Sobre Música. He has gone through different publications by Editora Abril, was Culture and Entertainment editor at Huffington Post Brasil, collaborated with Folha de S. Paulo and worked with Brand Experience and Creative Copywriter in brands such as Itaú and QuintoAndar. Pai do Pudim, “attacks DJ” in his spare time and loves to win vinyl records as a gift.
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