Bio and how they support artists Every day, two hours of music perfect to work to (no vocals). They want to receive... Genres Ambient Classical music Deep house Experimental electronic Film music House music Instrumental Minimal Neo / Modern Classical Solo Piano Moods Creative Eclectic They are also open to receiving... Genres African music Asian music Bossa nova Experimental jazz Jazz fusion Instrumental hip-hop Modern jazz Moods Chill Subdued They don't want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Christian music Commercial / Mainstream Country music Dancehall / Reggaeton Death / Thrash Drill/Jersey Hip-hop R&B Singer songwriter Mood Catchy Attribute Vocals Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Brian Eno Nils Frahm Sarah Davachi Kali Malone Services Exposure to our audience Write an article They recently gave these artists opportunities Sky Family Aarktica Wrote an article Bright Air Michael Schacht (Metric System 1981, Sagano) Wrote an article They’re looking for... Instrumental tracks only Artists from any country/region Released tracks only This curator/pro is part of... Top music media outlets/journalists from United states Top media outlets/journalists for electronic Top electronic curators/pros from United states Top media outlets/journalists for ambient Top media outlets/journalists for classical music Top media outlets/journalists for deep house Verified by Groover Learn more Activity on Groover 68 answers given Since signing up 21% answer rate Last 30 days 8% opportunity rate Last 12 months