Bio and how they support artists Découvrir, partager et écouter le meilleur des scènes rock, métal et genres alternatifs. 🤘COOL KIDS LOVE ALTERNATIVE MUSIC🤘 They want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Blues Death / Thrash Hardcore Indie pop Indie rock Metal / Heavy metal Pop rock Punk Rock Shoegaze They are also open to receiving... Genres Garage rock Hard rock New wave Noise Pop Punk Post punk Post rock Progressive rock Surf rock They don't want to receive... Genres Afrobeat / Afropop Canzone Italiana Commercial / Mainstream Dub German song K-pop / J-pop Melodic metal Reggae Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Deftones Madball Turnstile my bloody valentine Spacey Jane Foals Basement Christone "Kingfish" Ingram The Story So Far Knocked Loose Militarie Gun Turnover Last Train Trapped Under Ice Pleymo Power Trip EKKSTACY Services Make an instagram post to focus on artist specific topic, or share the sound in the daily stories Share on social networks They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music media outlets/journalists from France Top media outlets/journalists for pop Top pop curators/pros from France Top media outlets/journalists for alternative rock Top media outlets/journalists for indie pop Top media outlets/journalists for indie rock Verified by Groover Learn more Activity on Groover 17 answers given Since signing up 40% answer rate Last 30 days 12% opportunity rate Last 12 months