Jader Theóphilo - Lista Preta

Media Outlet/Journalist · Brasilien


PT: Jornalista, repórter e redator cobrindo os principais acontecimentos da música, cinema e TV. Além disso, colaborador do Lista Preta, um projeto voltado para a divulgação, compartilhamento e interação entre artistas e jovens negros contribuindo para o fortalecimento da identidade afrobrasileira, estimulando o black money e enaltecendo a cultura afrourbana. EN: Journalist, news reporter, covering the most important events of music, movie theater and TV. Besides that, part of "Lista Preta", a project of disclosure, sharing and interaction between artists and Black Young people, contributing to the strengthening of the Afro-Brazilian identity, stimulating the "Black money" and extolling afrourban culture.
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  • Genres
    Brasilianische Musik
    Dance pop
    Experimenteller Jazz
    K-Pop / J-Pop
    lateinamerikanische Musik
    Moderner Jazz
    Rap auf Englisch
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I can help artists with a massive platform of the Lista Preta in social media, connecting them with the black young brasilian audience
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1% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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