Galactysy Records, Established in 2019, is a label dedicated to helping artists with their releases, and growing their following, we accept most genres, and have partnered with CollabHouse LLC to bring you tools that will help you in your music career
We can help provide tools to artists that will help grow their audience, we have partnered with CollabHouse LLC to provide these tools at no extra cost to artists, including playlist Submission, registration with Nielsen Soundscan to make your songs eligible for the billboard music charts and copyright protection tools with many more to come
We also add your release to our playlists, as long as your release meets the genre of the playlist, it will be added.
We offer friendly and full support to all artists regardless of how many followers you have
We offer tools to create Spotify Canvas Art and social media images to help promote your release
We will also ensure that your release is promoted to bigger playlists as well as radio stations and top blogs.
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