wiwewa music

Label · Deutschland


wiwewa music was founded in 2021 as an independent label in Saarland. The label works with artists from various music genres and, in addition to traditional label work, also handles booking and management. Furthermore, wiwewa music operates the chamber studio in Cologne. Chris Bäcker, Head of wiwewa music, created the TubeFestival and the TubeTour – event formats that, from 2017 to 2020, became some of the most well-known youth events in Germany. They laid the foundation for wiwewa music. wiwewa music is a registered music label under label code LC 98874.
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  • Genres
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Kommerziell / Mainstream
    Internationaler Pop
  • Attribut
    Verfügbar auf Spotify
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label • booking • management • artist development • creative direction • strategic planning • music production support • event coordination
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