Playlist-Kurator · Frankreich


Since the early days of Spotify, I've been crafting this playlist with a lot of love, handpicking each track for its backstory and, more importantly, its emotional punch. Genre staples like Massive Attack and Portishead laid down the foundation. Bit by bit, I've ventured beyond the beaten path, uncovering emerging artists who, while drawing inspiration from the big dogs, bring their own flair and innovation to Trip Hop, as well as lofi, downtempo, and instrumental hip hop. With over 13,000 followers riding shotgun on this journey, this playlist is more than just a collection of tracks—it's a budding community of Trip Hop aficionados. Every month, new listeners hop on board, eager to unearth something unique and personal. This playlist is a tapestry of memories, discoveries, and at its heart, a deep-seated love for music that resonates.
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Trip Hop
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    Trip Hop
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    Experimentelle Elektronik
    Instrumentaler Hip-Hop
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    Verfügbar auf Spotify
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121 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
48% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
5% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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