Sounds & Books

Media Outlet · Deutschland


Gérard Otremba, Editor-in-Chief Born in 1969, self-employed journalist and editor-in-chief responsible for the content of Sounds & Books. Has to earn money with Sounds & Books to pay his rent. Started his journalistic career in the nineties for the Frankfurt music magazine Kick'n'Roll before working as a freelancer for the Frankfurter Rundschau for several years. Online publications since 2010. Reviewer for Rolling Stone magazine. Author of The Bookseller's Secret Records and Another Day in the Life of the Bookseller. Great admirer of the music of The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Van Morrison, Wilco, Nick Cave and Element Of Crime. FC St. Pauli sympathiser, marathon runner. Life motto: “Rock'n'Roll Can Never Die”.
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    Dream Pop
    Rock & Roll / Klassischer Rock
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