Siachen Studios

Verlag · Indien


SIACHEN STUDIOS is created to serve independent labels, management, artists, and bands with fair values, sustainable business models and by pushing new technologies & approaches to create, distribute, and promote music. We salute all people involved in the process of creating music and building careers – from the studio engineer and the cover-artwork designer to the composers, lyricists, label people, musicians, and the front singers.
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  • Genres
    Chill out
    Deep House
    Future House
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  • Unveröffentlichte Tracks und veröffentlichte Tracks

Überprüft von Groover

Aktivität auf Groover
2 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
40% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
Das Senden eines Tracks an diesen Kurator pro kostet