Ricardo Durán (Rolling Stone en Español-Editor-in-chief)

Media Outlet/Journalist · Kolumbien


Rolling Stone en Español (Editor-in-Chief) Music lover, collector, journalist by trade, and publicist in sporadic practice. In 2013 he started working for the Colombian edition of Rolling Stone. Over the past 10 years, he has developed interviews and content with artists such as Metallica, Sting, Björk, Foo Fighters, Miguel Bosé, Pearl Jam, Fito Páez, Chris Cornell, Aterciopelados, Moby, Enrique Bunbury, Adriana Lucía, Juanes, Bomba Estéreo, Jorge Drexler and Alcolirykoz, among many others. He has been a curator and lecturer at BoMM, as well as a jury in Ciudad Altavoz (Medellín), and in the calls for scholarships for cultural and creative criticism from the Ministry of Culture. He has been a university professor for more than 15 years. He is the author of SOBRELRUIDO, a book of interviews with Colombian artists that he published independently in May 2022. Important: 1) I prefer receiving songs from artists with a bigger catalog/more songs released, so I'm able to understand better the artist & potentially write about them if I'm really interested. However, all artists are accepted. 2) I really value artists who bring something new to the table/who are doing something different/not so common in the industry. 🇨🇴 🇲🇽🇪🇸 Editor en Jefe de Rolling Stone en Español Melómano, coleccionista, periodista de oficio y publicista en ejercicio esporádico. En 2013 empezó a trabajar para la edición colombiana de Rolling Stone. A lo largo de los últimos 10 años ha desarrollado entrevistas y contenidos con artistas como Metallica, Sting, Björk, Foo Fighters, Miguel Bosé, Pearl Jam, Fito Páez, Chris Cornell, Aterciopelados, Moby, Enrique Bunbury, Adriana Lucía, Juanes, Bomba Estéreo, Jorge Drexler y Alcolirykoz, entr otros. Ha sido curador y conferencista del BoMM, además de jurado en Ciudad Altavoz (Medellín), y de las convocatorias para Becas de crítica cultural y creativa del Ministerio de Cultura. Ha sido docente universitario por más de 15 años. Es autor de SOBRELRUIDO, un libro de entrevistas a artistas colombianos que publicó de forma independiente en mayo de 2022.
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Am häufigsten akzeptierte Genres

Alternativer Rock
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  • Genres
    Alternativer Rock
    Karibische Musik
    Experimenteller Rock
    Internationaler Pop
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Progressiver Pop
  • Stimmungen
    Aussagekräftige Songtexte
  • Attribute
    Internationales Potenzial
Du willst nicht erhalten...
  • Genres
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
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The artists that I approve could eventually be included in Rolling Stone en Español's releases and news sections.
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