Prisioneiros do Rock

Media Outlet/Journalist · Brasilien


"Prisioneiros do Rock" é um Podcast semanal, criado em 2020, trazendo todo sábado uma conversa sobre boa música - em geral o bom e velho Rock and Roll - com Cristian, Filipe e Rodrigo, além de convidados especiais que aparecem com frequência. O trio também tem uma conta no Instagram, de atualização diária, com mais de 10 mil seguidores orgânicos. "Prisioneiros do Rock" is a weekly podcast, created in 2020, bringing a conversation about good music every Saturday—usually the good old Rock and Roll. Hosted by Cristian, Filipe, and Rodrigo, the show often features special guests. The trio also runs a regularly updated Instagram account with over 10,000 organic followers.
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  • Genres
    Alternativer Rock
    Hard Rock
    New wave
    Progressiver Rock
    Rock & Roll / Klassischer Rock
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    Experimenteller Rock
    Psychedelic Rock
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  • Genres
    Brasilianischer Funk
    Brasilianischer Sertanejo
    Christliche Musik
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
    Dance pop
    Death / Thrash
    K-Pop / J-Pop
    Latin Pop
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Podemos destacar os(as) artistas e banda que apreciemos em nosso Podcast e na nossa conta no Instagram. podcast + feed insta ou feed insta + insta story We can highlight the artists and bands we appreciate on our podcast and Instagram account. podcast + feed insta or feed insta + insta story
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Überprüft von Groover

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Aktivität auf Groover
57 gegebene Antworten Seit der Anmeldung
59% Antwortquote Letzten 30 Tage
1% Opportunitätsrate Letzten 12 Monate
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