
Ausgewählte DJs, Sound Experte · Italien


Matteea, born Mattia Scarano Montanaro, is a producer, songwriter, and DJ based in Milan. Inspired by various club and music scenes, his work presents a blend of emotions, ranging from melancholy to high-energy vibes. Born in 1997, he embarked on his musical journey as a young drummer before transitioning to DJing in southern Italy at a tender age. Evolving his path, he relocated to Amsterdam and later settled in Milan. Currently, he performs and produces various genres of music, heavily influenced by UK Club, Progressive, Electronic, and Breakbeat styles.Supported by Solomun, Maceo Plex, Colyn, Kevin de Vries, and more. Released on: Ellum
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  • Genres
    Deep House
    Progressiver / Melodischer House & Techno
    Tech House
    UK Garage / Bassline
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  • Genres
    Afro House / Amapiano
    Dance pop
    Dream Pop
    Drum and Bass
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  • Genres
    Afrikanische Musik
    Arabische Musik
    Asiatische Musik
    Bossa nova
    Brasilianische Musik
    Brasilianischer Funk
    Brasilianischer Sertanejo
    Karibische Musik
    Christliche Musik
    Klassische Musik
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
    Death / Thrash
    Angerfist, Headhunterz, Wildstylez
    Harter Techno
    Indie Indien
    lateinamerikanische Musik
    Melodischer Metall
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Neo / Modern Klassisch
    Orientalische Musik
    Traditionelle Musik
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I'll provide detailed feedback on each track, covering multiple aspects, from the intricacies of sound design to the overall mixing and mastering. I'll dive into areas such as tonal balance, clarity, and depth, evaluating how well the elements are integrated and how effectively the sounds complement each other. Additionally, I'll assess the creative choices, including the arrangement, use of effects, and transitions, to give a comprehensive overview of how each component contributes to the track's impact.
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