Share on @LaneListens Instagram
- When I listen to your song/album, I'll consider them for my Release Highlights and Songs of the Week posts, which are weekly posts highlighting my favorite albums and my 6 favorite songs released within the past week.
Feature in Themed Recommendations posts
- Connected to my playlists are my monthly Themed Recommendations posts, which assemble a diverse collection of songs under the banner of an emotion, time of year, or concept. These are often the most liked/interacted with posts on @LaneListens.
- Examples: "...And from the Abyss We Climb" (motivational, epic music), "The Arrival of Autumn" (fall music), and "Distant Worlds and Vivid Dreams" (sci-fi/fantasy/psychedelia-inspired music)
Share on story/feed
- Whenever I find a song I love, I'll share it to my story to let my followers know immediately that they need to check it out. Since I don't do this all the time, songs shared on my story will have a special emphasis. There are usually 100-200 viewers per story.
- My feed posts are ever-changing, and as mentioned before, there's always a chance you could end up on my Songs of the Week and Release Highlights posts, in addition to different kinds of recurring posts on my feed.
Play on WMRE Radio
- As a student at Emory University, I am an exec member and showrunner at, Emory's student-run radio station. WMRE is the arts hub of Emory, featuring 60+ student-led radio shows, a frequently published DIY zine, and arts events on campus. Our radio programming typically has hundreds of unique listeners per day.
- I run a show based on my songs of the week picks titled "LaneListens: Songs of the Week," where I'll also play other new songs I'm loving once my initial 6 picks have finished.
- WMRE also has a Heavy Rotation, or music that plays when shows aren't running. This playlist is a guaranteed source of streams and potential discoveries, as we make sure that the songs we add are of the highest quality.
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