Javi NakedLunchRadio

Journalist · Mexiko


NAKEDLUNCH, that little radio corner on Monday and Thursday afternoons, where every lover of good music feels supported. There are no labels and we refuse to believe that everyone who loves music is a "true" one. Weekly we review the current affairs of the music scene, dotted with historical antecedents of the bands and genres on the crest of the wave.Without renouncing our identity as masters of the nude, they go through our microphones musicians who we subject to interviews to find out who is behind of the role of the staff through our #nakedsoul #ayudanosadesnudarlos. with Javi Gamboa We know details beyond the merely artistic, delving into their intimacies. Welcome everyone to NAKEDLUNCH. Chilango by birth, Javier is a host and announcer with +7 years of experience in radio, as well as a voice over actor; He began his preparation in the Fourth Wall studying under the guidance of Luz Adriana Carrasco, learning the Link Later technique. Then he started with Dagmar Ruíz, a well-known IMER Group presenter with more than 15 years of experience in radio. Today he is studying at the #CallBack voice over agency, under the tutelage of Andrea Orozco, dubbing actress and member of the emblematic OROZCO family, dedicated to dubbing (José Luis Orozco is the one who gives voice and life to Buzz Lightyear in the saga TOY STORY by Pixar). His musical influences range from flamenco to metal.
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    Alternativer Rock
    Death / Thrash
    Melodischer Metall
    Metal / Heavy metal
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    Experimenteller Rock
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    Dancehall / Reggaeton
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